Our Life. So Far...

So basically....our life is about to get completley turned upside down. An adventure of EPIC proprtions. So buckle up and get ready for a bumpy, though hopefully not too bumpy, ride. Stay tuned as we move through the rigorous, technical process that is international adoption, travel to and from Russia, and ultimately come home with our son.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Extravaganza

The first thing I thought of when we bought our house last February was how excited I was to host a Halloween party. So, a couple months ago, Sharon, Lauren and I began planning the festivities. The result was far more excellent than I could've hoped for. Delicious food, wicked awesome costumes, a kickin dance party complete with strobe and laser lights, fog machine and most importantly, good friends. For someone like me who has a tendency to get homesick for my fam on a regular basis, I feel very lucky to have met such fantastic people here in Renton. Props to you May Creek ward. You rock.


  1. Your party was truly excellente. Muchas gracias!

  2. Thanks for coming Meg. You definitely put the hot in hot sauce.
