Our Life. So Far...

So basically....our life is about to get completley turned upside down. An adventure of EPIC proprtions. So buckle up and get ready for a bumpy, though hopefully not too bumpy, ride. Stay tuned as we move through the rigorous, technical process that is international adoption, travel to and from Russia, and ultimately come home with our son.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Paperwork, Fingerprints and Crab!

So, thanks to some friends from church, I'm sitting in a beautiful house/cabin/mansion in the San Juan islands taking in a spectacular view. I thought I'd take this moment to share some photos and update y'all on our progress with our adoption.

At the beginning of this week we met with our social worker who will be working on our home study. He came to our home and discussed with us what we'll be expected to do during this process. I'd love to fill you in on what that is but it's sort of turned to mush in my brain. But I'll do my best. So, in order to adopt, whether it's domestic or international, you have to complete what's called a home study. A home study consists of two in home visits from a social worker, fingerprints sent to the FBI (which takes forever!), all sorts of paperwork, financial reviews, references and blah blah blah... This process will most likely take 8-12 weeks. So, I'm just taking it one form at a time so my head doesn't explode.

On a more fun note. We're having one of those great weekends you can only have in the pacific northwest. We're in this absolutely beautiful home on an island in the San Juans only accessible by boat or plane. And once you've arrived at the island you have to take a four wheeler/mule thingy to the house. Totally amazing. Its one of those rare moments when I'm so grateful I live in this part of the world and not southern california. So here's to great friends, great food, a BYU victory, adoption moving forward and wireless Internet!


  1. Trying this out I have really written like 10 times I think I am a dumb blogger follower??

  2. Wow Chelsea :) I am really looking forward to hearing about this big journey you guys are on! Here's hoping it goes smoothly and quickly!

  3. Isn't it funny that you have to go through 3 months of scrutiny to adopt yet it seems there are far too many less qualified and incapable people getting pregnant as easy as a rabit. If only we could put those people under the same kind of pressure you have to go through. What would the world be like?

  4. Let's adopt that fox and call him Moses.

  5. Lisa, try to utilize the whole keyboard. Particularly, the punctuation keys.
