Our Life. So Far...

So basically....our life is about to get completley turned upside down. An adventure of EPIC proprtions. So buckle up and get ready for a bumpy, though hopefully not too bumpy, ride. Stay tuned as we move through the rigorous, technical process that is international adoption, travel to and from Russia, and ultimately come home with our son.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What to do while you wait......

Something about this grey, pacific northwestern fall day has inspired me to blog. I'm just sitting here listening to Regina Spektor (shocker) thinking about how, to steal a line from Weezer, life is so rad. We've been on the wait list in Russia since July which means, when you factor in the mandatory 6 month wait period, we're half way through!! I've been told over and over how waiting can be the hardest part. Umm...maybe we just don't get it at all and we're crazy insensitive, heartless people but....waiting has been nothing short of a blast. We're using it as an excuse to go on a ton of epic adventures and check a few things off of our bucket lists. I'm sure if I didn't have such and awesome family, killer friends and yep, a husband who is soooo cool, it would be far more difficult. But I really have no complaints at this point.  I think this is where I launch in to the photo shout out section of the blog. So, without further ado,  here's a list of some things you can do when you're waiting for something.....

Host a murder mystery dinner party.

Go to a Regina Spektor concert with one of your favorite people!

Spend a night in the ER with some strange, unexplained but ultimately non-life threatening heart issues.

Take in a Monday Night Football game. GO SEAHAWKS!!
Go to California with your besties!

Go to Disneyland and spend way too much time coming up with stupid photo ideas.
Exhibit A.

Exhibit B

Help your friends make a short film for a film festival.
Go on a 20 mile backpacking trip and be blown away by this freaking amazing earth!

Wake up on top of a mountain. 
Go white water rafting with your family.

 And that my friends is my recipe for killing time. All you need is some awesome people, a beautiful state to live in and well, more awesome people. Here's to hoping this process continues to go smoothly. You never know what may happen tomorrow. All I know is that today is pretty great.

Ta Ta for now!

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